by markitecture | Jul 12, 2023 | Association Marketing, Association Technology, Branding
When you think of digital advertising, Google Ads is likely the first thing that comes to mind. Google Ads takes up to 80% of the entire global online digital network advertising revenue and is a vital resource for organizations of all types, associations included!...
by markitecture | Dec 5, 2017 | AEC Industry, Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms, Residential Firms, Social Media for Architects
So you’ve spent hours preparing your design award submission, hoping to win and receive the praise of design peers and potential clients alike. You’ve hit the submit button, off it goes…now what? Whether you win the award or not, the value of your effort...
by markitecture | Nov 13, 2017 | AEC Industry, Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms, Residential Firms, Social Media for Architects
Proactive marketing and communications can be a tough concept to grasp at times. Beyond having a nice website and responding to RFPs, what other outreach is your firm actually supposed to be doing? One thing that everyone understands though, is getting published. It’s...
by markitecture | Mar 1, 2016 | AEC Industry, Branding, Just For Fun, Marketing for Architecture Firms, Residential Firms, Uncategorized
In a recent marketing presentation on metrics, I opened with a slide titled “We Don’t Deliver Pizza, But We Do Deliver Loyalty.” Coupled with a few bullet points and a screengrab of a popular pizza delivery app, the slide drew some chuckles and it began an important...
by markitecture | Apr 22, 2013 | AEC Industry, Architecture Firm Websites, Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms, Social Media for Architects, Uncategorized
We’ve all heard the news, and it isn’t pretty. Sequestration, furloughs, billions of dollars of budget cuts—across the board, everyone’s trying to scale back and pinch pennies. In times like these, one of the first places many companies look to cut back is the...
by markitecture | Oct 4, 2012 | AEC Industry, Architecture Firm Websites, Branding, featured, Marketing for Architecture Firms, Residential Firms, Uncategorized
It still amazes me when I receive a list of firm websites from someone – and more than 50% of them are dysfunctional. Perhaps even more surprising is that I usually receive them as a list of aspirational competitors, top-notch designers, distinguished panelists,...