Let’s imagine that your firm has…

  • a website
  • an email marketing account
  • a facebook page
  • a twitter account
  • a blog
  • …maybe more?

Are they each on their own little island?

One of the best things about Social Media is the ability to connect one information source or marketing channel to another with very little effort. Especially as time goes on, more APIs (application programming interface) are written and social media platforms are getting more sophisticated.

If your firm does happen to have a number of online profiles and assets, be sure to maximize those by allowing visitors, friends and fans to find the other assets without looking too hard. Sure, a few icons will meet the minimum requirements, but why not include custom Twitter or Blog feeds directly on your homepage?

You may also have a few hundred fans on Facebook, but haven’t turned them into anything else yet. Go ahead and include an email signup form on your FB page to give people the chance to know more about you, without having to look. If you use an email provider like ConstantContact or MailChimp, they already have the Facebook apps created and ready to install on your architecture or engineering firm’s page!

Without some integration, your web presence is no more than four or five accounts/sites sitting on four or five different servers. Maximize the impact of those accounts and increase your search engine rankings by connecting them, driving traffic amongst them and integrating them in real-time ways whenever possible.