by markitecture | Jul 12, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
There is always something else to do.There is always another RFP, another conference, another brochure, another meeting…another bright shiny object.What distinguishes the bright shiny object from the light at the end of the tunnel is your marketing plan. There...
by markitecture | May 30, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
I remember several years back, working in-house and hearing the word “fluff” tossed around a lot. More specifically it was “marketing fluff.” Being a marketer, I never particularly cared for the word because it was the term people used to...
by markitecture | Apr 20, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
I spend a good deal of time at speaking engagements and client meetings talking about focus.Your firm’s marketing plan – needs focus.Your website content – needs focus.Your social media approach – needs focus.As I sat in a meeting recently...
by markitecture | Mar 25, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
Perhaps one of the easiest things to say, but hardest to do, is to actually target your marketing efforts. I find that time after time clients (and most companies period) are much more comfortable with the concept of marketing to their top industries or target...
by markitecture | Mar 11, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
I stumbled across a few videos from Mr. Doug Patt’s “How To Architect” series on YouTube, and I have to say I was surprised (and impressed).I was surprised at how well he put together simple instructional videos on such a detailed topic.I was...
by markitecture | Feb 21, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
LinchpinsA little less than a year ago I went to hear Seth Godin speak at the Warner Theatre. It was awesome. He was promoting his Linchpin book with a tour and the program was really entertaining, engaging, exciting and a ton of other adjectives that start with an...