by markitecture | Jun 11, 2012 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been inundated with requests lately from contacts and companies that you follow to vote for them in the “Social Madness” Competition that’s currently going on. The DC rankings are here. View the rules...
by markitecture | May 8, 2012 | Branding, Business Development, Events, featured, Marketing for Architecture Firms
The AEC Industry really doesn’t have a long history of “marketing” in a true sense of the word. Business Development is a little more prevalent than marketing in many ways – there are almost always expectations placed on principals or other...
by markitecture | Mar 3, 2012 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
Love it, hate it…or perhaps I should say Like it or Unlike it…Facebook Timeline is rolling out to your firm’s Facebook page by the end of this month. I’ve never been one to complain a great deal about Facebook changes in the first place,...
by markitecture | Dec 11, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
Among a long list of words I’d like to ban, somewhere in the middle lies the word “diversify”.It isn’t really a bad word, per se; it’s just so often used incorrectly that I’ve grown to cringe when I hear it.Investors diversify their...
by markitecture | Nov 1, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
I was lucky enough to be the guest moderator today for the AECSM Tweetchat. It really was a fantastic group, including some of the best AEC social media folks around!The session today was all about “Content Leadership” and there was conversation about what...
by markitecture | Sep 22, 2011 | Branding, Marketing for Architecture Firms
It’s funny where inspiration comes from, and how one part of life can parallel another.A good friend of mine told me something, halfway in jest, within the first few months of knowing him. He said that he was confident that no one could beat him in all five...