I’m lucky enough to be involved in three client social media/web strategy campaigns right now, all at varying stages. Each of them have distinct goals, communications styles and audiences.

As the strategy for each has been finalized, I find it amazing how different the messages really are. Just as architects can’t design in a vacuum, marketers can’t market in one. A beautiful building can seem out of place and become an eyesore if placed in the wrong environment. A well-crafted campaign or website can stick out like a sore thumb if it isn’t targeted appropriately or launched in the right places.

I’ve started thinking of developing a good communications plan or strategy as being an environmentally sensitive designer, obviously not in the “green” sense, but in the observant, respectful, community friendly way. There seem to be a lot of parallels between designing buildings and designing communications for me. After all, they’re both about creating a community dialogue of some sort, right?

Any fellow marketers see parallels? Feel free to comment!