I really enjoy receiving my issue of SMPS’ Marketer in the mail. I read it more regularly than most publications I receive, to be quite honest. In each issue, there is usually at least one article that excites me or makes me feel like blogging. This time was no different.

Ron Garikes’ piece “We Don’t Need No Stinking Marketing Plan” was a great read and it made me think to myself, “Awesome…he totally gets it.” Of course, as the title of this post suggests, he is preaching to the choir.

Then my excitement was slightly tempered when I realized that pretty much everybody that receives Marketer is part of the choir. I honestly don’t think I’ve met a marketer in the industry that didn’t WANT a marketing plan. There have been plenty that didn’t quite know how to do it, didn’t have the time or weren’t able to build consensus with firm management…but I think most marketers at least wish there was a plan.

Garikes’ sample excuses were great as well, (including the one about hiring an “overpriced consultant”). I’ve heard all of them myself plenty of times.

The concern I have is that the right people aren’t reading this article, or whole magazine actually. Articles like this need to be in Architectural Record or in AIArchitect. Marketing efforts (whether plans or their associated tactics) fizzle out when buy-in isn’t there from the top, rarely from lack of effort on behalf of marketing departments. In fact, part of why consultant efforts can be so successful is that it sometimes takes an additional expense hitting the bottom line before leadership takes things seriously.

So I guess in closing I’m asking all of my fellow marketers to put your issue of Marketer on a Principal’s desk, opened to your favorite article. And to my fellow writers, let’s try to get published in the publications that our bosses read, not just our colleagues.