With the official launch of GoNoGoPro only days away, I couldn’t help but write a post detailing some of the long term benefits to using such a simple, yet powerful tool. Sure, the day-to-day use will save time, money and likely prevent your firm from going after ill-suited opportunities (not to mention babysit your kids and change your car’s oil)…but what about the strategic benefits?

During the numerous demos and client conversations I’ve had about the tool, some great benefits and uses have come up. Here are just three of the many ways that GoNoGoPro does more than help your A/E firm evaluate RFPs.

1. Improve Accountability
GoNoGoPro has robust reporting that goes way beyond measuring hit rate. Your A/E firm can run reports to ensure the right stakeholders are seeing the right opportunities – and better yet, they are evaluating them and participating in much needed firm dialogue.

2. Monitor Client Activity
The competitive landscape for architectural and engineering services has changed dramatically in the past few years. More competition, tighter budgets, fewer projects…even if your firm is in a “go after it all” mode right now, you can’t be forever. GoNoGoPro’s reporting allows you to compare the number of RFPs you’ve evaluated against the number you’ve pursued AND against the number you’ve won. This is where the typical CRM tool falls short – even if it has a pipeline feature. Knowing what you’ve evaluated helps determine the abundance of projects in a given market. CRM tools don’t house that piece of information since you usually only input items after you’ve written the proposal.

3. Enhance Strategic Marketing
Beyond knowing which clients actually have work, you obviously want to know how much you have pursued and won. GoNoGoPro allows A/E firms to not only track this information, but analyze it by industry or project type to make better marketing and operations decisions. Is your hit rate incredibly low in an industry that you used to dominate? Did you significantly invest in a new market last year and need to determine the ROI? Marketing in our industry rarely, if ever, has a one-to-one ratio with new projects. GoNoGoPro’s reporting allows your firm to easily capture marketing success over a longer term and plan for the future with good information.

Be sure to check out the website for GoNoGoPro and, of course, if your firm would like a demo we’re only an email away! Look out for our launch on 10/10/10!