I’d like to throw this post out for fun to provoke a potential shift in industry thinking about AEC firm brands.

In a utopian society, every project your firm completes would:

  • Evoke an emotional response
  • Leave a lasting impression
  • Be relevant to, yet remarkable amongst, its surroundings

Most of us will never be able to say that every project we’ve worked on has done that. Some of them…but not all.

When considering your firm’s brand and specifically the name, the same criteria should apply though. Take any random sampling of architecture firm names and a large majority, more than 80% in my experience, are the name or names of the partners. What does this actually say about your brand? In essence, the name says more about the principals, than the principles.

Professional services firms (of all types) have intricate brands because they are often based on people, not products. The questions need to be asked, “How should my clients and potential clients feel about or react to my firm’s name when they here it?” And then, “Does our firm’s name impact those reactions?”

Only after those questions, among others, have been answered, should a firm settle in on a name.