This is a very nice article on how architects can help develop more business (from early 2007).  

Unfortunately though as the name suggests, it doesn’t really focus on marketing.  Often marketing departments in firms are pigeon-holed into a business development role.  It’s more about how many projects were won in a very direct way, than overall revenue growth.  That makes it very easy for department budgets to be cut in lean times, because marketing departments rarely close deals themselves.  
It’s also very easy for managers to errantly attribute all gradual revenue growth to the “referral” factor.  While it is very true, that referrals are key to the success of any firm, referrals don’t only come from a job well done.
They do come from service, recognizability, memorability, a strong brand, good follow up…the whole package.  Your client may love you today, but a GOOD marketing program is what keeps your name in their heads, instead of being “the architect we worked with a few years ago…what was their name again?”